Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's been a while!

It's been a while since I last posted. I'm keeping another blog about my adventures with Marin, but most of it is just me rambling about her growth & my experience with breastfeeding, being a mommy of 2, discipline and living life. If anyone is interested, let me know, and I'll sign you up, but I thought most of you would want to be spared the details. ;)

On a different note. Yesterday we joined a playgroup with my friend Heather at 
Jonas had a great time playing with her son & Marin & I had a great time hanging out with the girls!

We also got a new lens for our camera yesterday, and in the evening I played around with it for a while on our only willing participant, Marin. Jonas refused to participate, and I spared him this time - but there will be pictures of him to come soon! He's growing up too fast, and I don't want to miss it!  The pic of Marin at the top of the post was taken with our new lens, and completely un-edited. Woo-hoo - so far so good!

I dropped my SLP courses for this semester, but plan to resume full-speed-ahead in the Fall. I couldn't work out child care for both little ones in time, and the deadline to drop without penalty arrived - so the decision was made. I'm happy with it for now, but ask me again next Spring! ;) 

In the meantime, I have enrolled in a digital photography photoshop course online, which begins today! I'm excited to begin unleashing the potential in my photos & learning some enhancement tricks.
Can't wait to share them with you.

I also want to participate in the party I found online at
It's called "Get Your Face On" and she got joined up with Beth from the Story from A to Z 
There is a button your are supposed to post, but I'm not entirely sure how to do it. I am going to do my before and after in another post - very soon.

For's shower time...and those times are to be cherished these days. Gotta run before one of my sleepers awakes!


Andre said...

marin is a beauty! looking forward to learning photo tricks with you.

Elisabeth said...

=) I'd love to read your other blog!! New baby stuff is the best. =)

Michelle said...

She's beautiful!